
The following three Plugins used together


If you wish to use all 3 plugins at the same time, you might encounter some issues with row selections. Since the Row Manager Plugin also uses the selected rows array to move multiple row at once, you could if you to simply make the Row Move plugin to only allow 1 row be moved at a time, doing this will make the 2 plugins work nicely together without any clashing. The options you will want to use for that would these 2 options to predefine while instantiating the Row Move Manager Plugin ({ singleRowMove: true, disableRowSelection: true })


The RowMoveManager Plugin can be configured with an "usabilityOverride" which will make the row moveable or not depending on a custom override callback that can be provided by the user (all 3 plugins have such override). Also don't forget to also configure a custom formatter that will follow the same logic of when to show the icon. For example this demo makes the row moveable only on every second row.

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